OUSGG in 60 Seconds

OUSGG - the Oxford University Scout and Guide Group - is a bit of a misleading name, as we don't necessarily help out with Scouts or Guides, wear uniforms or earn badges.
What we do do, is pretty much anything else. We meet regularly and do a huge range of different activities, from Stop Frame Photography to Mountaineering, Pub Quizzes to Boating in South France.
During term, we usually meet two or three times a week - though you don't have to come to all of the meetings if you can't make them. We also go on trips during the vacations, and have been everywhere from huts in the Welsh mountains to sunny Milan.
OUSGGers tend to form quite a close bond with other members of the group, and you can be sure that you'll make some life long friends within the group. There are also opportunities to meet up with similar groups from other Universities.
OUSGG has its own society magazine - PostScript - which is published three times a term. Most members of OUSGG end up writing for the magazine fairly regularly, so you get to see some of your work in print long before you complete your degree!
OUSGG is a hard society to describe in 60 minutes, let alone 60 seconds. The best way of finding out about it is to come along to some of the meetings and experience it first hand. We are open to students at both the University of Oxford and Oxford Brookes.