Trinity 2003 - Termcard
1st Week
Monday, 19:00 - South Parks
Kite Flying: Come and fly a kite, remember what it was like to be seven. Bring a penknife.
2nd Week
Monday, 20:00 - Trinity College
Fire Hydrant Orienteering: Navigate your way around town using only fire hydrants. A relic from the past but fun.
3rd Week
Monday, 20:00 - St Peter's College
Gadgets, Gizmos and Contraptions: Re-live those crafts from summer camps. Dry conditions guaranteed and not a chemical toilet in sight!
4th Week
Monday, 20:00 - Trinity College
Mallet's Mallet: Or croquet for the civilised ones amongst us.
5th Week
Monday, 20:00 - To Be Confirmed
Take the Plunge: Negotiations are still ongoing but if all goes well, bring a towel and prepare to enter a new world.
6th Week
Monday, 20:00 - To Be Confirmed
Snail Racing and Other Silliness: Pit your snail against others to win the ultimate race. Wholly childish and requires no thinking so good for finalists.
7th Week
Monday, 20:00 - Magdalen College
Pimms by the River: We tried to think of a way to make it sound like we will be doing more than nothing but we plan on doing absolutely nothing and enjoying the summer sunshine. Forget the revision for a night.
8th Week
Monday, 19:30 - Summertown
TGM and BBQ: Join us for the last meeting of the year. We even promise to allow meat on the BBQ!