Hilary 2003 - Termcard
1st Week
Monday, 20:00 - St Peter's College
Second Footing: Following the success of first footing last year, I have decided to invite Mr Crane and Miss Widdecombe to join us for some OUSGG games and a vague explanation of the in-jokes.
2nd Week
Monday, 17:30 - Edith Road
Bondi Beach: Get out your cozzies because we're going down under (well only Didcot really). A chance to escape from Oxford to a leisure pool with a wave amchine and flume. What more could you ask for on a cold January evening? P.S. Sun not included.
3rd Week
Monday, 20:00 - To Be Confirmed
Deck Quoits: Don't know how to play? Well how are you going to impresss the captain on that cruise ship? Come and learn how to make quoits, and a few of the games that can be played with them.
4th Week
Monday, 20:00 - To Be Confirmed
Aunt Sally: Detailed research is (hic) going on to find a location (hic) for this traditional Cotswold game. Played in the garden of a pub by throwing sticks at a wooden doll. Simple really (the rules that is). If the weather is bad them we will just stay in the pub.
5th Week
Monday, 20:00 - South Parks
Signals: Chinese whispers over 100s of metres - you must be mad. We have to devise out own coding system, someone should send you to the looney bin. Please come and save me from the men in white coats. I'm not a flasher, it was my torch m'lord.
6th Week
Monday, 20:00 - To Be Confirmed
Sword Dancing: I was told to think barn dancing mixed with morris dancing and a few swords throw in for good measure. I think you get the point.
7th Week
Monday, 20:00 - Summertown
Erik's Party: Nobody seems to know how old he is or when exactly he was born so as he is a big pancake fan we let him celebrate on the Monday next to Shrove Tuesday. A time to find out who is the best tosser in the group.
8th Week
Monday, 19:00 - Lady Margaret Hall
TGM and Termly Meal: Time again for that most interesting meeting of term, only made palatableby the presence of a tasty meal afterwards. What you like lengthy constitutional debates? Wrong society, sorry.